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Questioning Pictures: Stefano Graziani, Fondazione Prada, Milan, Italy
Nature Morte, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, Italy
More than a Hundred Years + Christ & Gantenbein architects, Biennale d’Architettura, Milan, Italy
Everything Architecture + Office KGDVS e Bas Princen, Bozar, Bruxelles, Belgium Alcune Immagini Ricorrenti, Fotografia Europea, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Superstudio 50, curated by Gabriele Mastrigli, Maxxi, Rome, Italy
Conversazioni Notturne, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Modena, Italy
Super Superstudio, curated by Vittorio Pizzigoni and Valter Scelsi, PAC-Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
A Minor History within the Memories of a National Heritage, Architecture Biennale, Venice, Italy
Conversazioni Notturne/Late Night Conversations, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, Italy
Under the Volcano and other Stories, International Festival of Rome (X edition), MACRO Testaccio, Rome, Italy
Under the Volcano and other Stories, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, Italy
Mnemosyne, curated by Camilla Boemio, Pescheria di Pesaro, Pesaro, Italy
Islands + Ghettos, curated by Johan Holten, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany; Graz Stadt Museum, Graz, Austria; Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst und Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany
Stanze, Yona Friedman House, curated by Manuel Orazi, Palazzina dei Giardini, Modena, Italy
Krakow, Photo Biennale, Krakow, Poland
Manifesto, Villa Manin, Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Passariano (UD), Italy
Fieldwork, homage to Robert Walser, Salone Gemma, Trieste Fotografia, Trieste, Italy
Taxonomies, Festival della Filosofia, Palazzo Ducale di Sassuolo (MO), Italy
Through Your Eyes, a room for photography within the exhibition Besides, History: Go Hasegawa, Kersten Geers, David Van Severen curated by Giovanna Borasi, CCA Montreal
Between the lines. Artists' books exhibition, Archipelago Project, Roz Barr Gallery, London, UK
The Via Emilia. Roads, 11th European Photography Festival, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Claudio Gobbi + Stefano Graziani, Foro Boario, Modena, Italy
Small Museum for the American Metaphor, curated by Kersten Geers, Red Cat Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Il Cielo in una stanza, curated by Andrea Bruciati, Manifesta, the European Biennale for Contemporary Art, Trento, Italy
Manifesta 7, The Soul (or, much trouble in the transportation of souls), curated by Anselm Franke/Hila Peleg, Trento, Italy
A Museum for Franco Basaglia, Manifesta, the European Biennale for Conteporary Art, Trento, Italy
Viaggio al Centro della Terra. Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone (GO), Italy
Nel Tempo dell’Intimità, Spazio Paraggi, Treviso, Italy
Wunder Garten, Site Specific project, curated by Helga Marsala and Debora di Gesaro, Parco delle Madonie, Palermo, Italy
How to Look At Venice, Galleria il Contemporaneo, Mestre (VE), Italy
Oltre il Paesaggio, Fondazione Studi Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Lucca, Italy