19 July - September 2014
Sphinx Interiors & Other Works - Devendra Banhart
Galleria Mazzoli // Via Nazario Sauro n.62, Modena
Devendra Banhart (Houston, 1981) spent his childhood in Caracas, Venezuela. In the nineties, moved to California where he began to study music.
He attended the San Francisco Art Institute and following this, his passion for music led him to perform concerts on tour through Europe and the United States.
Michael Gira of the Swans produced his first album “Oh Me Oh My…” along with some of
.... artist's page
Galleria Mazzoli in Modena will proudly present the second
solo exhibition of Devendra Banhart.
The exhibition will be comprised of several series of new works involving various
techniques and materials, showing the evolution if his recent artistic research.
A significant part of the show will feature the “sphinx” series, where the recurrent
motive is indeed the mythological figure with the human head and the lion body ― a protective
symbol in ancient Egypt ― guardian of the forbidden gate of the underworld and a symbol for
power and enigma in ancient Greece.
All of Devendra's monochromatic “sphinxes” are created with Indian ink on vintage paper,
providing the drawings with a nostalgic flavor, and appear like enclosed spaces which contain
refined tales or nexuses of repeating lines, shapes and figures that sometimes become fantastic
and visionary representations, some of whose traits recall petroglyphic engravings.
The repetition of some of the motives almost appear as the graphical representations of
the tunes that we also find in his music, therefore underlining the close link between the artist's
musical and visual expression.
The exhibition also explores the theme of still life. In the still life series Devendra
interprets the classic genre using a different technique, that of oil on paper, which allows him to
experiment various chromatic variations.
The exhibition finally presents other new abstract works both on paper and wood.
exhibition's catalogue
Devendra Banhart
Sphinx Interiors & Other Works
Texts by Richard Milazzo & Devendra Banhart
220 pages, color images
500 numbered copies
Published by Galleria Mazzoli. Modena, 2014.