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    New Works (Trick or Treat)

    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    9 February - April, 2019
    New Works (Trick or Treat)  /  Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Galleria Mazzoli / Via Nazario Sauro n.62, Modena

    At the beginning of his career as an art student Ariel Cabrera Montejo (Camagüey, Cuba, 1982) had the experience of being in constant interaction with collectibles, artwork and documents relating to the collecting of historical memorabilia of Cuba. These documents transcended to him as rare and truthful testimony they guarded information that differed in many cases with the story of the struggle for independence in Cuba .... artist's page

    On Saturday 9 February 2019, at 18.30, Galleria Mazzoli presents the first solo show in Europe of the young Cuban artist Ariel Cabrera Montejo. The exhibition is composed of a selection of works made in 2018 and 2019.

    Cabrera’s pictorial research contemplates historical moments and scenes from very different contexts in time and space. Images from the history of his country are overlaid on contemporary settings and generic episodes. The scenes constructed with multiple planes and perspectives, create juxtapositions that trigger dialogue between various events, in which we see an interweaving of violence, sarcasm, amusement and eroticism.
    “Although I have never made reference to a historical event in particular, my painting proposes the theme of the historical as mise-en-scène, mixed, multi-temporal scenarios. For example, the role that photography has played in graphic art, journalism, advertising, in the historical relations between Cuba and the United States, specifically in the processes of formation of Cuba as a nation” (from the catalogue of the exhibition, with a conversation between Chiara Ianeselli and the artist).
    In the series Primary Scenes, as in the water ...

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    Ariel Cabrera Montejo Ariel Cabrera Montejo Ariel Cabrera Montejo

    exhibition's catalogue
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo | Trick or Treat
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Trick or Treat
    Essay by Chiara Ianeselli and poems by Richard Milazzo
    72 pages, color images
    300 numbered copies

    Published by Galleria Mazzoli. Modena, 2019.

    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    Ariel Cabrera Montejo
    + Ariel Cabrera Montejo New Works, Mazzoli Gallery, Modena 2019